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January 31st
Nanduhria's Ossë "Tzili" has achieved 3 x 1.prize i Rally OB and got RO1 title!

Updated our puppy plans.
Tzili is x-rayed free for HD and ED. She also got no remarks on her shoulders and back.
Toy is x-rayed free for ED. He also got no remarks on his back. Unfortunally the HD pictures had to bad quality, so he must take new pics.
Mister has moved back to us.
Updated litter-page with health and other results

January 1st
We wish you all a Happy New Year and we look forward to join you in 2019!

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November 14th
Ronja and High Limits All or Nothing "Miss" has participated IGP-FH VM-qualification this weekend and took 7th place!

Ocotber 30th
Annelie and High Limits Bound for Glory "Bakko" got to move to second class in tracking today!

October 9th
LaLa is now also approved USAR search dog!!

LaLa is mother to our b-litter

August 3rd
Lann Morian Rocket Man has arrived to us!

July 10th
Whoopzee passed the norwegian mental description today!

July 3rd
Annelie and High Limits Bound for Glory "Bakko" got 193,5p out of 200p in obedience "beginnerclass" today!

July 2nd
High Limits Arctic Star "Toy" went over the rainbow bridge today. He has struggled with lots of pain because he had loose hips and because of that he also got trouble with his back.

June 20th
Berit and LaLa passes the re-approval in the Norwegian SAR again!
Now they are ready for 2 more years in duty :)

June 17th
We lost one male puppy today <3
Now there is 4 males and 4 females. Possible one puppy available
Reed about the litter here

June 12th
Our C-litter is born!
Read more here

June 11th
The queen of the house (Nanduhria's Hasufel) is 11 years old today!

June 4th
9 puppies expected June 16th!

May 15th
Huge congratulations to Martin and High Limits Breaking Bad "Bazooka"!
They've passed the "B-test" in the Norwegian SAR!

May 11th
Happy 4th birthday to our A-litter!

May 10th
Puppies confirmed with ultra sound today!!

April 17th
Aava and Tanya passed IGP 1!!
They've only been tracking for a few weeks!
They also got the best obedience that day with 91 poeng!!

April 5th
Aava is in heat and will be mated soon!!
See more info about the upcoming c-litter here.


Puschkin de Sol Casa


Da Vielfalt's Aava

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November 28th
Havrevingens RJeT is x-rayed free for HD (A) and ED (0)!
His back and shoulders are also clear

October 2nd
Ronja and HL All or Nothing "Miss" got IFH2 today with 93 points
and also got 1st place!
Gratulerer så mye!

October 1st
HL Criminal Mind "Cazee" have passed the norwegian mental description today

September 18th
Tanya and HL Come Out and Play "Fritz" passed BH today!
Gratulerer så mye!

September 9th
HL Cielo is x-rayed:
ED 0
Shoulders free
Back free

September 3rd
HL Come Out and Play is x-rayed:
ED 0
Shoulders free
Back free

August 28th
HL Catch Me If You Can "Extra" passed the norwegian mental description today!

August 16th
HL Cielo is x-rayed:
ED 0
Shoulders free
Back LTV1

July 31st
HL Can't Be Tamed and HL Custom Made is x-rayed free for HD and ED!
They also got free on their back and shoulders!

July 28th
Anneli and Bakko (High Limits Bound for Glory)
has participated in Swedish bitework at Modprovet 2022

June 12th
Happy 1st birthday to our C-kullet!

May 11th
Happy 5th birthday to our A-litter!
Unfortunatly isn't Mister and Toy with us any longer.

March 23rd
Happy 4th birthday to our B-litter!
BH IPO3 Cashew vom Forster Hexenkessel x SAR Nanduhria’s Lalaith

March 20th
Martin and Bazooka (HL Breaking Bad) has passes the message-test in the Norwegian SAR!

January 5th
Happy 7th birthday to our first litter!
High Spirited Ancara x Nanduhria's Hasufel

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