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December 31st Happy New Year! 2023 has been an awesome year with many good results for the High Limits dog!
We are so proud of you all and are grateful that we get to follow you on this journey. We sadly lost two dogs from our A-litter this year. Our deepest condolences to the owners. We are planning two litters in 2024, both long hair and short hair belgians.
More info will come as soon as everything is good to go - check the puppy site.
October 21st Odd Christian and Havrevingens RJet "Jet" got approved points at 2nd level in the nordic working dog program today (search)!
Whoopzee got approved points at 2nd level in the nordic working dog program today with 10 points(!!!) in search!
Gratulerer til Heidi og HL Crazy Deal "Vikke" med 2 knallbra resultater i mondioring cat.1 denne helgen!
Vi er stolte av dere!
October 8th Congratulations to Berit and LaLa with 2 new years as USAR! LaLa is soon 9 years old and been on "standby list" since she was 2,5 years old! Berit also got senior-title in the norwegian SAR We can't express how proud we are! What a team!
September 30th Congratulations to Therese and HL Criminal Mind "Cazee" with their BH-title today! We are so so proud of you and are cheering for you on your journey!
September 24th Congratulations to Annelie and HL Bound for Glory "Bakko" with super score at the "swedish protection work program" today!
September 23rd Whoopzee got 9,5/10 in search after people and 9,5/10 in search after small articles today! With that she got approved points total in 2nd class in the nordic working dog program!
September 17th Congratulations to Gudrun and HL Custom Made "Gunnar" with their BH-title!
September 3rd Congratulations to Tanya and HL Come Out and Play "Fritz" with super score in mondioring cat.2!
August 30th Whoopzee got 1st place at todays obedience competition and can now move up to level 3!
July 31st Nanduhria's Targon "Elling" is x-rayed with perfect score! HD(A),ED (0), LTV 0, spondy 0!
July 30th Congratulations to Sverre and HL Can't Be Tamed "Siri" with 2 great scores in mondioring cat.1! they can now get ready for cat.2!
July 6th Congratulations to Heidi and HL Crazy Deal "Vikke" with their BH-title!
June 12th Happy 2nd birthday to our C-litter! HL Custom Made HL Captain Jack HL Crazy Deal HL Come Out and Play HL Criminal Mind HL Cielo HL Catch Me If You Can HL Can't Be Tamed
June 4th Congratulations to Annelie and HL Bound for Glory "Bakko" with great score in "swedish protection work program"! We are super proud of you!
May 21st HL Catch Me If You Can "Extra" is x-rayed with perfect score! HD (A), ED (0), LTV 0, spondy 0!
Whoopzee got 3rd place and get to move up to class 2 in obedience today!
May 20th High Limits Captain Jack is approved patrol dog in the norwegian army! He is also x-rayed free for HD, ED og spondy>
May 11th Happy 6th birthday to our A-litter! HL All or Nothing HL All Pride HL Absolute Amazing HL Asking for Trouble HL Arctic Star HL Ammunition
April 22nd Congratulations to Sverre and HL Can't Be tamed "Siri" with BH-title!
April 16th Big congratis to Tanya and Da Vielfalt's Aava with 4th place at world championship for belgian shepherds (FMBB) in mondioring cat.3! You guys are awesome!!!
April 15th Congratulations to Anne and HL Cielo "Cieloo" with their BH-title!
6th Vi wish team Norway the best of luck at FMBB 2023!
We are cheering a little extra for Tanya and HL Come Out and Play and his mother Aava
Mars 25th Odd Christian and Havrevingens RJet "Jet" got 9/10 on search after people and 9/10 on search after small articles on todays competition and can now move up one level!
Whoopzee got 9/10 on search after people and 9/10 on search after small articles on todays competition and can now move up one level!
Mars 23rd Happy 5th birthday to our B-litter! HL Blame It On My Handler HL Born With No Worries HL Bound For Glory HL Bad Business HL Bring It On HL Breaking Bad HL Breaking All Rules HL Born to Be a Bodyguard
Mars 16th HL Criminal Mind "Cazee" is x-rayed with perfect score! HD (A), ED (0), LTV 0, spondy 0!
February 4th Tanya and HL Come Out and Play "Fritz" got 190/200 points and 3rd place at their first mondioring competition! His mother Da Vielfalt's Aava got 336,5/400p in cat.3.
They are both qualified for FMBB 2023!
We are so proud of all 3!
December 31st Happy New Year! 2023 has been an awesome year with many good results for the High Limits dog!
We are so proud of you all and are grateful that we get to follow you on this journey. We sadly lost two dogs from our A-litter this year. Our deepest condolences to the owners. We are planning two litters in 2024, both long hair and short hair belgians.
More info will come as soon as everything is good to go - check the puppy site.

October 21st Odd Christian and Havrevingens RJet "Jet" got approved points at 2nd level in the nordic working dog program today (search)!

Whoopzee got approved points at 2nd level in the nordic working dog program today with 10 points(!!!) in search!

Gratulerer til Heidi og HL Crazy Deal "Vikke" med 2 knallbra resultater i mondioring cat.1 denne helgen!
Vi er stolte av dere!

October 8th Congratulations to Berit and LaLa with 2 new years as USAR! LaLa is soon 9 years old and been on "standby list" since she was 2,5 years old! Berit also got senior-title in the norwegian SAR We can't express how proud we are! What a team!

September 30th Congratulations to Therese and HL Criminal Mind "Cazee" with their BH-title today! We are so so proud of you and are cheering for you on your journey!

September 24th Congratulations to Annelie and HL Bound for Glory "Bakko" with super score at the "swedish protection work program" today!

September 23rd Whoopzee got 9,5/10 in search after people and 9,5/10 in search after small articles today! With that she got approved points total in 2nd class in the nordic working dog program!

September 17th Congratulations to Gudrun and HL Custom Made "Gunnar" with their BH-title!

September 3rd Congratulations to Tanya and HL Come Out and Play "Fritz" with super score in mondioring cat.2!

August 30th Whoopzee got 1st place at todays obedience competition and can now move up to level 3!

July 31st Nanduhria's Targon "Elling" is x-rayed with perfect score! HD(A),ED (0), LTV 0, spondy 0!

July 30th Congratulations to Sverre and HL Can't Be Tamed "Siri" with 2 great scores in mondioring cat.1! they can now get ready for cat.2!

July 6th Congratulations to Heidi and HL Crazy Deal "Vikke" with their BH-title!

June 12th Happy 2nd birthday to our C-litter! HL Custom Made HL Captain Jack HL Crazy Deal HL Come Out and Play HL Criminal Mind HL Cielo HL Catch Me If You Can HL Can't Be Tamed
June 4th Congratulations to Annelie and HL Bound for Glory "Bakko" with great score in "swedish protection work program"! We are super proud of you!

May 21st HL Catch Me If You Can "Extra" is x-rayed with perfect score! HD (A), ED (0), LTV 0, spondy 0!

Whoopzee got 3rd place and get to move up to class 2 in obedience today!

May 20th High Limits Captain Jack is approved patrol dog in the norwegian army! He is also x-rayed free for HD, ED og spondy>
May 11th Happy 6th birthday to our A-litter! HL All or Nothing HL All Pride HL Absolute Amazing HL Asking for Trouble HL Arctic Star HL Ammunition

April 22nd Congratulations to Sverre and HL Can't Be tamed "Siri" with BH-title!

April 16th Big congratis to Tanya and Da Vielfalt's Aava with 4th place at world championship for belgian shepherds (FMBB) in mondioring cat.3! You guys are awesome!!!

April 15th Congratulations to Anne and HL Cielo "Cieloo" with their BH-title!

6th Vi wish team Norway the best of luck at FMBB 2023!
We are cheering a little extra for Tanya and HL Come Out and Play and his mother Aava

Mars 25th Odd Christian and Havrevingens RJet "Jet" got 9/10 on search after people and 9/10 on search after small articles on todays competition and can now move up one level!

Whoopzee got 9/10 on search after people and 9/10 on search after small articles on todays competition and can now move up one level!

Mars 23rd Happy 5th birthday to our B-litter! HL Blame It On My Handler HL Born With No Worries HL Bound For Glory HL Bad Business HL Bring It On HL Breaking Bad HL Breaking All Rules HL Born to Be a Bodyguard

Mars 16th HL Criminal Mind "Cazee" is x-rayed with perfect score! HD (A), ED (0), LTV 0, spondy 0!

February 4th Tanya and HL Come Out and Play "Fritz" got 190/200 points and 3rd place at their first mondioring competition! His mother Da Vielfalt's Aava got 336,5/400p in cat.3.
They are both qualified for FMBB 2023!
We are so proud of all 3!